講演者:姫岡 優介氏(東大)
タイトル:A theoretical basis for cell deaths
A theoretical basis for cell deaths
Comprehending cell death is one of the central topics of biological
science. Currently, the criteria for microbial cell death are purely
experimental, based on PI staining and regrowth experiments. The debate on
how “death” should be defined mathematically, and what mathematical
properties the phenomenon of ‘death’ has, is largely untouched. In the
present project, we aimed to develop a mathematical framework of cell death
based on the controllability of cellular states [1].
We start by defining dead states as cellular states that are not returnable
to the predefined “representative living states” regardless of the
controllable parameters such as the gene expression level and external
culture conditions. The definition requires a method to compute the
restricted, global, and nonlinear controllability, for which no general
theory exists. We have developed “The Stoichiometric Rays”, a simple method
to solve the controllability computation for catalytic reaction systems.
This allows us to compute how the enzyme concentration should be modulated
to control the metabolic state from a given state to a desired state.
Using the stoichiometric rays, we have computed the controllability and
hence the dead states of a simple toy model of cellular metabolism as well
as a rather realistic in silico metabolic model of E. coli [2]. We have
also quantified the boundary that divides the phase space into the live and
dead states, called the “Separating Alive and Non-life Zone (SANZ)
hypersurface” [3].
In this talk I will present our framework for cell death, including
stoichiometric rays. I will also discuss possible connections of the cell
death framework to related fields such as dynamical systems, resource
theory [4], and viability theory [5].