[セミナー]第54回IPB セミナーを開催します。

[セミナー]第54回IPB セミナーを開催します。
場所:東大(本郷キャンパス)理学部1号館414室 hybrid開催
Title:Decoding Bacillus subtilis swarm development with spatiotemporal transcriptomics and live-cell microscopy

Understanding the spatiotemporal development of microbial communities is
crucial for biomedical and ecological studies. However, our knowledge of
how biological and physical processes shape these structures is limited by
the lack of simultaneous gene expression and behavior measurements. In
Bacillus subtilis, swarming on soft-agar media forms structured colonies
with distinct motility behaviors over time. In this seminar, I will present
research that combined spatiotemporal transcriptome data with live-cell
microscopic data to map B. subtilis swarm development, revealing
subpopulations with unique metabolic states and a cross-feeding mechanism
that drives swarm expansion.